Billboards in place at the entrance of Tonstad Wind farm

Billboards with details about the wind farm and safety information have been placed on site.

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«From a domestic perspective, the defined area appears to be one of the most suited areas for new wind power development in Norway.»

The NVE report highlights Flekkefjord and Sirdal as among the most suitable areas in Norway for onshore wind power development.

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A presentation from Tonstad Vindpark during the Sirdal Business Association annual meeting at the end of March

Hinc delicata cu nec, altera consectetuer at pri. Eu pri case labores albucius, est purto dicit et. Congue indoctum recteque pri ea.

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The Tonstad Wind farm team

Tonstad Vindark team: CEO Benoit Ribesse, CFO Terje Kulseng, Kommunikasjonsansvarlig Henriette Sarah Holberg, Anleggssjef Tom Indesteege, Anleggsmanager Daniel Villanueva, Teknisk rådgiver Helge Toft

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Tonstad Wind farm

Hinc delicata cu nec, altera consectetuer at pri. Eu pri case labores albucius, est purto dicit et. Congue indoctum recteque pri ea.

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UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasizes the need for a shift towards renewables for sustainability

Ny teknologi muligjør produksjon av energi til en lavere kostnad enn før. Dette legger et godt grunnlag for videreutviklingen av sol og innenlands vindprosjekter, understrekte FN-sjefen.

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