Billboards with a map of the wind farm have been placed outside the main entrance of the wind farm. All are welcome to roam freely in the area once the construction is complete.

Billboards in place at the entrance of Tonstad Wind farm
Siste nyheter
- Tonstad Vindpark is now in commercial operation
- Six turbines in Tonstad wind farm have now begun to produce electricity
- Two turbines in Tonstad Wind farm have now begun to produce electricity
- Electrification of the substation
- Photos from assembly of the first turbine
- Visit to the site for the installation of the first turbine
- One of three blades has been mounted on the first turbine
- See updated photos of the transport in the photo archive
- Drone footage of the first blade transport
- The transportation of the first three blades was done successfully
- The transportation of the long blades begins
- Tonstad Vindpark in place at the Energy festival
- Visit to Tonstad Vindpark with Hydro
- The Energy festival – Tonstad Vindpark prize
- Visit to the site by Sirdal municipality
- Avisen Agder writes about the transportation
- Construction status
- Photo archive
- Billboards in place at the entrance of Tonstad Wind farm
- «From a domestic perspective, the defined area appears to be one of the most suited areas for new wind power development in Norway.»
- A presentation from Tonstad Vindpark during the Sirdal Business Association annual meeting at the end of March
- The Tonstad Wind farm team
- Tonstad Wind farm
- UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasizes the need for a shift towards renewables for sustainability