Tonstad Vindpark_CFO Terje Kulseng_Kommunikasjonsansvarlig Henriette Sarah Holberg_Anleggssjef Daniel Villanueva

Visit to the site for the installation of the first turbine

CFO Terje Kulseng, Head of communications Henriette Sarah Holberg and and Site manager Daniel Villanueva during the installation of the first turbine of Tonstad Vindpark.

The photo is taken by Fædrelandsvennen, who wrote this article on the visit to the wind farm.

In the background of the photo, the installation of the first turbine is ongoing. The small green crane lifts and places the first two tower sections in place. Then the larger orange crane lifts the remaining 4 tower sections, hub, nacelle, generators and the rotor blades.

See the photo archive by clicking here.

See the Youtube channel of Tonstad Vindpark here.