Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind to electrical energy. Wind turbines consist of a tower, a nacelle, blades and a control system. When the wind reaches the turbine, it initiates the rotation of the blades, which drives the generator to convert the kinetic energy to electrical energy. The energy generated is then transported through wires down the tower of the turbine, transformed to high voltage energy and transported to the energy grid through transmission lines.
The nacelle has a wind speed meter and a wind direction meter. The nacelle rotates based on the direction of the wind so that the blades face the wind directly. Energy generation begins at wind speeds of 3 m/s. Maximum production occurs at 13 m/s. This means that even if wind speeds increase to more than 13 m/s, the effect/output will not increase. The production will cease altogether in wind speeds of 25 m/s or more in order to avoid mechanical damage to the turbine.
Tonstad Vindpark consists of 51 turbines. These are provided by SiemensGamesa and are of the model SWT-DD-142. This model is designed for IEC wind class II with average annual winds of 8.5 m/s. Read more about the wind turbines here.
For more information on SiemensGamesas work within wind energy, please click here.